The Company shall consistently endeavor to give utmost satisfaction to its customers in all spheres of its business activities by achieving the highest standard of quality that meets its customer requirements. The Company is also committed to comply with requirements and continually improve the effectiveness of Quality Management system by periodical reviews, upgrading its manufacturing techniques, enhancing the performance of employees by providing need based training and motivating them to work as a team.
GREEN PLANTATION PROGRAMMES NEAR FACTORY The manufacturing divisions of the Company are committed to operations and practices, which prevent harm to People, Environment or Property and reaffirm its commitment to Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) resulting from its ethical conviction.
- Actively managing SHE as an integral part of business, operations and practices, and apply comprehensive SHE management systems.
- Complying with applicable Safety, Health and Environmental, Legal, Regulations and other requirements.
- Ensuring that employees, contractors and interested parties are aware of its policies and procedures, and where necessary, work with them to raise their standards.
- Fostering a culture where incidents and accidents are reported, investigated and lessons learned are shared with employees and contractors.
- Promoting and disseminating Safety, Health and Environmental consciousness among employees and other interested parties.
- Consulting and responding to the concerns of interested parties on safety, health and environmental performance.
- Striving for prevention of pollution to minimize the environmental impact in its operations and business practices through continual improvement.
- Optimizing the use of natural resources by its processes and practices.
- Maintaining a safe workplace environment for its employees.
- Providing appropriate information and training to increase their skills and promote their safety, health and environmental awareness periodically.
- Auditing its operations, business and management practices with regard to SHE performance and compliance through independent experts.