Information Technology
A research and development activity in an area of activity like an agro-based industry (Sugar Industry) involves decision-making, which is often best with uncertainty and risk especially from the point of view of increasing the availability of desirable raw material and its management. This risk can be minimized only if decisions are based on sound and reliable information on different aspects.
The generation of reliable information however, depends on sound statistical programs for generation of data, their processing and storage on computers as well as their interpretation and communication to a variety of user agencies. The generation of information as a production process has assumed the role of a technology, where in commodity produced is information, which is essential input to the decision, making process and therefore has the implications for the design of information system itself. The value of information increases as the uncertainty or risk in the decision process increases and can therefore act as powerful tool in the hands of various decision-making agencies. Further, interfacing of this information through GIS and remote sensing can greatly add to the many advantages of information.
KCP Sugar has invested time and energy to Implement IT into the system to bring life into the productivity,employees and to enable good and prompt service to the customers and vendors.
KCP Sugar has ERP system(SAP) implemented across the units of KCP Sugar along with Sugar cane Management system and HRM.IT sector has provided technology to use smart cards to the farmers for better service and fast payment. Palm tops are used for data entry across the cane area for faster update.